Remote Triggers for the Bash Bunny Mark II

One of the greatest new features of the Bash Bunny Mark II is remote triggers. With this, a payload — or multiple stages of a payload — can be triggered from afar. These can be done with any bluetooth low-energy device, including most smartphones. In this article I'll demonstrate how to use this handy new feature.


The Scenario

Imagine a social engineering engagement where the target is asked to print a document from a flash drive. The Bash Bunny, with ATTACKMODE STORAGE, will present itself as just such a benign device in the first stage of an attack. Then the opportunity presents itself to launch a second stage — emulating a HID device and performing keystroke injection — when the target turns their back to fetch the printout.


The Code


# Remote Trigger for Bash Bunny Mark II Example

# Stage 1: Benign flash drive

# Stage 2: Evil keystroke injection attack
QUACK STRING cmd /k tree c:\

Pulling off the Attack

For this attack to proceed to the second stage, you simply need to advertise the BLE device named "myphone". This can either be the name of a BLE device that advertises whenever it's on — like a bluetooth speaker — or advertisements specifically sent from an app like BLE Tool.


Configuring BLE Tool

Any bluetooth utility capable of broadcasting BLE advertisements will work. In testing I often times find myself using the highly configurable and aptly named BLE Tool for Android. If you choose to test with it, there are only 3 steps to follow:

  1. Tap GATT Server
  2. Specify a device name from the Advertiser settings (under the [...] menu)
  3. Tap Start Advertising


How Remote Triggers Work

The WAIT_FOR_PRESENT and WAIT_FOR_NOT_PRESENT extensions work by setting the BLE module to Observation mode (AT+ROLE=2), then continuously saving the scanned airwaves to a temporary file on a 5 second interval (timeout 5s cat /dev/ttyS1 > /tmp/bt_observation). That binary file is then checked for the string value specified with the extension (grep -qao $1 /tmp/bt_observation).

If you're curious what other advertisements might be found, consider running strings against this file while in observation mode. For faster remote triggers, consider modifying the extension for shorter scan durations. 


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