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Hak5 Field Kits

Field proven gear with the books to boot

The go-to getting started pen-test gear kit

The complete Hak5 Gear kit in one compact case


Assembled for your specific objective

The best software defined radio equipment

Covert remote access and man-in-the-middle

Monitor and inject packets from afar with this high power combo

The gold standard on-site USB drop, ready to plant

Click Titles to See Recipes FAKE LOGON SCREEN TW-D Bash Bunny Phishing Noodle Soup With Shrimps Savory & Spicy access_time 35 minutes list_alt 520 calories Ceasars Salad With Bacon Finger Lickin' Good access_time 20 minutes list_alt 600 calories Asian Tofu Bowl Light & Healthy access_time 50 minutes list_alt 400 calories Quinoa With Steamed Vegetables The Vitamin Bomb access_time 25 minutes list_alt 350 calories Avocado Breads With A Poached Egg Tasty & Fast access_time 15 minutes list_alt 250 calories