Our Story

Hak5 has been developing innovative penetration testing devices, award winning online media and immersive information security training since 2005.
Hak5 devices have found their way into the hearts and tool kits of the modern hacker. Most notable for their ease of use, devices like the USB Rubber Ducky, WiFi Pineapple and LAN Turtle stay true to the Hak5 design philosophy – make it do the thing. From wireless auditing to clandestine remote access and physical access mayhem, Hak5 tools have you covered. It’s no surprise they’ve been featured in TV shows like Mr Robot and Person of Interest to Hollywood movies like Jason Bourne.

Beginning in 2005 as the self-titled podcast, Hak5 is the flagship show of the network. The weekly show airs on YouTube and syndicates via Discovery Digital Networks (formerly Revision3) covering everything from open source software and network infrastructure to penetration testing. Hak5 is complimented by sister shows HakTip, ThreatWire, Metasploit Minute and TekThing.

Unlike any other information security training, Pentest with Hak5 takes you on an immersive hacking adventure. As a member of an elite red team, you’re armed with the tools of trade and training throughout a simulated engagement. Go toe-to-toe against a host of hostile network adversaries and walk away with the knowledge to exploit our most powerful penetration testing tools.